Home/Tag:false white light beings

The Need For Streetwise Spirituality

The Need For Streetwise Spirituality I don't particularly like the term 'spiritual awakening' but it cannot be denied that more and more people the World over are starting to develop awareness surrounding their TRUE nature. This is why 'streetwise spirituality' is now more important than ever. So what do I mean when I say streetwise [...]

Why Spirituality As We Know It Is False

Why Spirituality As We Know It Is False The New Age movement was set up as the 'last honeypot before the goldmine'. It is awash with false spirituality teachings set up to highjack the current spiritual awareness seeping through into the collective consciousness. See the dark occultists who operate behind the scenes have [...]

Why The New Age Movement Is Making People Sick.

Why The New Age Movement Is Making People Sick. The New Age Movement has become massive over the last few years as many folks are starting to become aware of their true spiritual nature. On the one hand, this is fantastic. The eons that have passed where humanity has had no understanding of [...]

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