Inner Child (IFS) X 4 Healing Sessions.
This is a 4 session package deal where we will look to resolve any internal issues that maybe holding you back. We all have different levels of trauma and these become our triggers and blind spots as we go through life.
Negative entities can also hook into our internal wounds and amplify them which creates more anxiety and so by resolving these we can cut out these access points. These unresolved traumas can also see us repeat the same old patterns over and over again.
Often these wounds can extend into our ancestral lineage, and if that is the case, we will look to unburden the family line. This can also extend into past lives as many of us have been around the block quite a few times!
The sessions are based on the Internal Family Systems modality, the only slight difference is I take into account that of entities in sessions whereas standard IFS practitioners don’t really do that.
We will look to resolve, unburden, reparent and integrate the holographic imprint versions of you that are stuck in time and space. These exiles retain many of your gifts, and when resolved, help you bring back into your being that lost essence and all the qualities associated with that.
I like to work with people longer term which is why I offer this package. That way we can both see the progress you are making as you can only get so far in one session.
If you would like to book a session please use the Paypal link below. I will contact you using your Paypal email address to arrange the time and date ASAP. If you have any further questions about this you can contact me here